III. Selected Topics in Piano Practice¶
- 1. Tone, Rhythm, Legato, Staccato
- 2. Cycling (Chopin’s Fantaisie Impromptu)
- 3. Trills & Tremolos
- 4. Hand, Finger, Body Motions for Technique
- 5. Playing Fast: Scales, Arpeggios, and Chromatic Scales
- a. Scales: Thumb Under (TU), Thumb Over (TO)
- b. The TO Motion, Explanation and Video
- c. Practicing TO: Speed, Glissando Motion
- d. Scales: Origin, Nomenclature and Fingerings
- e. Arpeggios (Chopin’s FI, Cartwheel Motion, Finger Splits)
- f. Thrust and Pull, Beethoven’s Moonlight, 3rd Movement
- g. Thumb: The Most Versatile Finger
- h. Fast Chromatic Scales
- 6. Memorizing
- a. Why Memorize?
- b. Who can, What to, and When to, Memorize.
- c. Memorizing and Maintenance
- d. Hand Memory
- e. Starting the Memorizing Process
- f. Reinforcing the Memory
- g. Practicing Cold
- h. Slow Play
- i. Mental Timing
- j. Establishing Permanent Memory, Mental Play
- k. Maintenance
- l. Sight Readers versus Memorizers: Learning Bach’s Inventions
- m. Human Memory Function; Music = Memory Algorithm
- n. How to Become a Good Memorizer
- o. Summary
- 7. Exercises
- a. Introduction: Intrinsic, Limbering, and Conditioning Exercises
- b. Parallel Set Exercises for Intrinsic Technical Development
- c. How To Use The Parallel Set Exercises (Beethoven’s Appassionata, 3rd Movement)
- d. Scales, Arpeggios, Finger Independence and Finger Lifting Exercises
- e. Playing (Wide) Chords, Finger/Palm Spreading Exercises
- f. Practicing Jumps
- g. Stretching and Other Exercises
- h. Problems with Hanon Exercises
- i. Practicing for Speed
- 8. Outlining (Beethoven’s Sonata #1)
- 9. Polishing a Piece - Eliminating Flubs
- 10. Cold Hands, Slippery Fingers, Illness, Hand Injury, Ear Damage
- 11. Sight Reading
- 12. Learning Relative Pitch and Absolute Pitch (Sight Singing, Composing)
- 13. Video Recording and Audio Recording Your Own Playing
- 14. Preparing for Performances and Recitals
- 15. Origin and Control of Nervousness
- 16. Teaching
- 17. Upright, Grand & Electronic Pianos; Purchasing and Care
- 18. How to Start Learning Piano: Youngest Children to Old Adults
- 19. The “Ideal” Practice Routine (Bach’s Teachings and Invention #4)
- 20. Bach: the Greatest Composer and Teacher
- 21. The Psychology of Piano
- 22. Summary of Method